Episode 56
Franklin County Prosecutor Shayla Favor - Commitment to Justice and Equity
Restorative Justice Vision: "I have said over and over again that the job extends beyond the courtroom. If you wanted a prosecutor that was only gonna be concerned about winning cases and cycling people in and out, then I wasn't the person for you." - Franklin County Prosecutor Shayla Favor
I am excited to bring you another insightful episode of Talk of the County, where we get into the heart and soul of Franklin County’s leadership. In our latest episode, I sit down with the inspiring and trailblazing Franklin County Prosecutor, Shayla Favor.
Episode Highlights
- A Vision for Justice: Shayla Favor shares her vision for a more just Franklin County, emphasizing a justice system that is not merely punitive but restorative. Her approach is to address the root causes of violence and crime rather than just the symptoms.
- A Journey of Advocacy: Discover how Shayla's early inspirations, including the formidable Claire Huxtable from The Cosby Show, led her on a path of advocating for those who cannot speak for themselves. Her move to Columbus set the stage for a robust career in public service.
- Challenges and Opportunities: Shayla discusses the challenges and opportunities within her office, particularly concerning juvenile crime and the creation of programs that aim to prevent youth from re-entering the system.
- Mentorship and Personal Growth: Learn about the mentors who have influenced Shayla, how she’s inspired others around her, and the role of her supportive partner in her journey.
- A Broader Impact: Shayla and I discuss striking a balance between personal life and the demanding responsibilities of public service. We also delve into the broader topics of representation, empowerment, and the importance of breaking down systemic barriers for diverse groups in the field of law.
- Personal Touch: Get a glimpse into Shayla’s personal life, her love for traveling and fashion, and her passion for housing reform inspired by her roots in Dayton, Ohio.
Key Moments
00:00 Transforming Justice in Franklin County
07:05 Explaining Job Beyond Courtroom Duties
11:51 Mother's Influence and Legacy
20:11 Youth Crime Rehabilitation Focus
24:15 Representation Crucial in Justice Reform
31:49 Passing the Baton Forward
34:30 Operate with Integrity for Progress
40:55 Diverse Roles of Franklin County Government
44:51 Passions: Cooking and Fashion
51:33 Generational Disinvestment and Housing Inequality
58:08 "Government's Role in Housing Equity"
01:04:16 Franklin County Invests in Women's Sports
01:09:57 Commitment to Historic Responsibility
Copyright 2025 Franklin County Board of Commissioners
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Hello, Franklin County. We're here for another episode of Talk of the County. I'm your county administrator, Kenneth Wilson, and it's my pleasure to be here today with our dynamic county prosecutor, Shayla Favor. We are going to, talk about a number of topics, talk about the exciting things that, the county prosecutor has in store, as it relates to ensuring, that Franklin County is a more just place than it was the day she was, sworn into, this office. So let's kick this off, by talking about, the journey, so to speak. What brought you here? Was it a vision when you were a little girl that one day you would be a lawyer first and then rise your ranks and and wear a black robe? I don't know. Tell us the journey. Tell us the vision.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Well, thank you for extending an invitation for me to, speak to your your viewers, and I think it's such an important and timely conversation. You know, I always knew that I wanted to be a lawyer. From an early age, I had the opportunity, to catch a old school show known as the Cosby Show, that had a dynamic, representation of an attorney, Claire Huxtable. And at the time, I was too young to really realize what she was doing. Mhmm. I just saw a bold black woman with a briefcase, telling folks off, and I said I wanted to be that. And from there, this started this spiral of, moments that gave me just glimpses of what it would look like to advocate on behalf of those, who could not speak up for themselves. And so when I moved to Columbus, I'm from Dayton, Ohio, moved to Columbus to go to OSU, this started the journey for me, towards obtaining my law degree.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:And my first, job out of law school, actually as an intern, was was with the Columbus City Attorney's Office. And so I'm proud that, the bulk of my career has been in public service and most certainly advocating on behalf of those who cannot.
Kenneth Wilson [:There is no place that I think you can be, more of a change agent than to be involved in in the profession of law. That's right. Because everything we do foundationally, particularly in in public service, law is underlining it. Counties have to be authorized by statute to do all the important work that we, do, across all of our, different programs. Talk about your vision as far as this particular office and how you wanna be a change agent for good. And it's particularly important, because now we have to prepare to to be defensive against a lot of things that seem to be coming our way. And it always seems like the greatest opportunities present themselves for us when there are challenges and the road won't be easy. Yeah.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Yeah. I appreciate that question, and you're absolutely correct. You know, my vision for this office, really it's something different that I, I am grateful that the the voting folks of Franklin County approved. And that is one where a justice system is, not simply punitive but restorative that, seeks to address the root causes of violence and crime in our community, not to no longer just be, a institution that puts Band Aids over symptoms. And that means that we have to roll up our sleeves and do the real dirty nuanced work of what is happening in our communities. I have said over and over again that the job extends beyond the courtroom. If you wanted a prosecutor that was only gonna be concerned about winning cases and cycling people in and out, then I wasn't the person for you. Because I'm willing to lock arms with folks like you and others across our community, other leaders to work to address what is happening in our communities.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:And then as you mentioned, you know, what is unfolding, from a federal and state perspective, this office, alongside you and others, stands on the front lines, to make sure that what is happening continues, to be lawful. And there is a lot that is happening, and lawyers all across this country, including those on the bench and those who serve as prosecutors, are going to, truly, be required to be on the front lines right now.
Kenneth Wilson [:Yeah. The judiciary branch has been particularly active in in in what hasn't been thirty days yet of act of robust activity. And, you know, you you know, people really don't realize the extent and the breadth of your office. To your point, prosecutor, they think about your position. If you ask poll people on the street, they'll be like, oh, she gonna prosecute crimes, and that's what she's gonna do. They don't know that you're responsible for a whole entire civil division.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Right.
Kenneth Wilson [:In addition to the criminal division, of course. But the civil division, represents, townships, represents, the interest of public health. People found out the importance of laws during the pandemic, but the regulations related to, carrying out public health in this county, your office touches all of that. Your office touches, solid waste. Your office touches, all environmental crimes. I mean, it's you name it. And I think that you have a, unique opportunity given your background, as a city council person to be out and to be able to explain and amplify those other responsibilities.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Yes. You're absolutely correct. You know, it was a long campaign period, that I was on, but part of that I'm appreciative for that because that gave me an opportunity to educate the voters of Franklin County about what this job actually is. There are there are some that would want to think that this job and and it's it's a misnomer. The title itself, conveys the sense that you are only in a courtroom prosecuting criminal cases. And while that is a part of it, it's not the only thing that this job is tasked with. As you've indicated, we work, we have a robust civil division that touches almost every contract, that the county, enters into. And this county serves, close to 1,400,000 residents.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:So you're talking about contracts, that deal with everything, around our, public health services, to, contracts that help to get dollars to important stakeholder agencies that make sure your housing insecurity is addressed, that food insecurity is addressed, to now even dealing with immigration and how, imperative it is it is for us to be on the front lines of that. And so this is an an incredibly big job, for someone, who's got great big vision, and ready to to tackle it. And so, no one could, foretell when I put my name in the hat that this is what we would be dealing with, but I'm beyond grateful for the opportunity to
Kenneth Wilson [:be able to do
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:this work.
Kenneth Wilson [:Yeah. I mean, you know, you leaving, Columbus City Council and moving to this position, you you left behind a legacy of working on issues such as housing.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Yes, sir.
Kenneth Wilson [:And now, in the time you've been here, I know you've been able to be very engaged in housing. And your office plays a active and important role in the contracts that we negotiate with developers, to create affordable housing. So you will be just as involved, if not more
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:involved Yeah.
Kenneth Wilson [:Than you was with the things you left behind. Absolutely. It counts. Same goes for economic development. Absolutely. You know, a lot of the a lot of what the county do, the prosecutor's office is a very, key partner. Let's talk procurement. Franklin County is a $2,200,000,000 enterprise, and our purchasing director has to work closely with your silver division to make sure that we can be advocates for small business, that we can, be effective, in, reaching minority owned, women owned, veteran owned businesses, etcetera, but we have to do that around the constructs of Ohio Revised Coalition.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:That's right. That's right. That's right. And that's why I'm grateful for my prior experiences because everything has led me to this point that I'm able to sit here before you today, feeling extremely confident for, all of those experiences that have added to where I'm at today. And so I think about my time at, at Columbus City Council as a legislator and understanding the value of what that job and my prior experience having been a Columbus City attorney meant for me in that job and how that made me a much more effective and robust legislator. And so now I think about those two very important positions and how they have prepared me for the moment that I'm I'm in right now.
Kenneth Wilson [:Let's talk about mentors. Mentorship plays an important role, in in in in our lives. Those of us that have been able to be successful would not be there had it not been having effective mentors, individuals you look up to. Before I really got to know, you in a professional capacity, I knew you from a distance. Some pretty, dynamite folks that watch out. That's Shayla Favor. She she's gonna be on the rise. You know? So that that right there, from the people that I heard speak highly of you, I was like, oh, they they they about it, so she gotta be about it.
Kenneth Wilson [:So talk about Yeah. Who your mentors are.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Yeah.
Kenneth Wilson [:Who are those distant figures that you may have? You mentioned Claire Huxtable, but more real Yeah. Some real life heroes and heroes that that you look you look to and and and had aspirations to say, I wanna be in that same space.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Yeah. You know, the the first one that comes to mind, is my mother who's no longer, with us. She was a dedicated, public servant herself, worked for the government, as a civil servant, her her entire career. But she was, the first person, that told me that I had, this unique gift, this way about speaking. And, she I remember her telling me this as, a a young adult. I was in high school, and I was the vice president of my my graduating class. And she had said this, statement to me, and it just stuck with me my entire life. She was my first cheerleader, my first demonstration of what real advocacy looks like, and I'm forever grateful, for her sacrifice, for for me and my sister.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:What I will say is that, there's this quote that that states something along the lines of when the student is ready, the the teacher, will appear. And I think that is so true. I think majority of my life, I have had glimpses of, mentors that were just shy of being out of my reach. Mhmm. And, always thinking that I would need those guides along the way. But I wanna say this, and and I do have strong mentors, in my life now. But there's also something to be said about, learning to navigate certain spaces Mhmm. Even if you don't have a guide.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:And that you should not count that as a deterrent in any way if someone who's watching today doesn't have those people in their lives just yet. It is only a sign for you to keep pressing, to keep pushing Mhmm. Towards whatever your goal might be. But even with that being said, I got some strong dynamic women, the likes of Janet Jackson, former city attorney and former judge, former almost everything Mhmm. In Franklin County, Congresswoman Joyce Beatty. I could truly go on and on. I I think one of the constant things that rings true about all of the dynamic men and women in my life is that they're not afraid to fail. They're not afraid to step out there and oftentimes step out there alone.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:And that's who and what I am. That's what I wanna see. Mhmm. I want to, continue to surround myself with those types of individuals. Right. They're not encouraging me to go along with the crowd, but to continue to be out there. And sometimes that means you might be alone.
Kenneth Wilson [:Right. And to play it safe Yeah. To play it safe, you wouldn't have made history by becoming the first African American prosecutor in Franklin County's history.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:You got that right.
Kenneth Wilson [:Because playing it safe, you would've just been comfortable in in spaces where you had established yourself
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:That's right. And and
Kenneth Wilson [:not not spoke to that risk that you talked about, that that character. You know, you, a individual that has to be driven, has to work hard, make personal sacrifices. And when you do that, you have to have, it's a big, big plus to have, a partner in your life that is is down for you, that it has your back, that, supports you, and you support them. And, I see that chemistry and that dynamic when I see you and your spouse together. Talk a little bit about how your personalities mesh together Yeah. And how does it make it work?
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Yeah. Yeah.
Kenneth Wilson [:How does team Fable put it all together?
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:My husband is, from New York, moved to Columbus to, attend CCAD, Columbus College of Art and Design, and we met in undergrad. We've been married now for seventeen years, and he's a typical typical New Yorker. You know, very, verbose, loud. He's not he's not a Midwesterner. Okay? Mhmm. And so, there is this balance, though, that we have brought to each other, that we have grown along with each other, on this journey called life. And he pushes me. I push him, in a way that has allowed, that natural inclination to grow to truly, happen.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:We are not the same people that we were seventeen years ago. Thank god for that. Right? And you see a lot of relationships crumble because you expect one to be exactly who they were, and you don't give them the grace to be exactly who they were created to be. And he knows exactly who I am. I am a very driven woman who has this vision for her community as well as her life and her family. And that takes a very confident person Mhmm. To walk alongside. Mhmm.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Not just walk alongside, but to root alongside them every single day, to show up even when you're not even asked to be there. Mhmm. You know, unsolicited advice for anyone who's listening. In relationships, they're hardly ever fifty fifty. It's hardly ever fifty fifty. There will be times in life where you are giving only have the ability to give 10%, and that other person gives 90. Right? But if you're keeping track, you are on the wrong journey. Right? And so recognizing that life will ebb and flow, relationships will ebb and flow Mhmm.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Means that you're on track to have a really dynamic relationship.
Kenneth Wilson [:Right.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:So I'm so grateful
Kenneth Wilson [:for that. Energy to keep score
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Oh, yes.
Kenneth Wilson [:It does. In relationships. So and that energy could be better used uplifting them.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:You gotta decide what you want.
Kenneth Wilson [:You gotta you gotta do that. Yeah. And you gotta be, confident in yourself Yeah. To continue to root for each other
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:That's right.
Kenneth Wilson [:And and and not have, you know, internal thoughts of I'm not I'm I'm not the one in this relationship. Yeah. It goes and comes. Yes. Everybody, you know, is in different spots at different times.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Right.
Kenneth Wilson [:And it takes for me to win, it takes sacrifice for my spouse.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:That's right.
Kenneth Wilson [:For her to win, it takes sacrifice for for me and vice versa. So there there if if when you're in a when you're in a relationship and you've been married a long time, you have to know you had to know that, accept that, and understand that.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:And know that when you win, you both win. Right? And when you both win, the community is winning.
Kenneth Wilson [:Right.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:It is a domino effect that we wanna continue to to pull.
Kenneth Wilson [:And we all like you say, we evolve over time. We all have different personalities.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Well, we hope we evolve
Kenneth Wilson [:over time. Yeah. If and if we and if we don't, you know, that's when things kinda go sideways when one person grows and the other person don't, then that that doesn't end well. You gotta be, you know, just, comfortable to you know, with your personality. A lot of times with success, you're used to a lot of people telling you that, oh, you're great. You this and that. And then your your spouse goes to a a event with you or something. Maybe like, oh, you're just okay.
Kenneth Wilson [:Your spouse is great. We just like your spouse. She's she's she's coolest person ever. But you gotta be comfortable with that. You gotta, you know, that just go with goes with the sauce. In the Franklin County prosecutor's office, what has been your most, enlightening observation, and where do you see, on the flip side of that, where do you see your your greatest challenges?
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Yeah. So, you know, throughout the campaign, there was a lot of conversation about youth violence in our community. And this office, has jurisdiction over all juvenile crimes. And so, you know, what has been very enlightening is getting to know, the juvenile division, the the prosecutors, the advocates, the staff, who are tasked with, unfortunately, having that initial encounter with any youth, that might have been brought in, because of something connected to to criminality. And knowing how much they care about that young person, and what happens to them on the other side of this. That they are so committed, to the rehabilitation of that young person and ready to lock arms with me, in my endeavors to create, more diversion programs, more programs that are going to reach, that youth and make sure that we don't ever see them again. That has been so enlightening to me. I think what has, been slightly, challenging for me is is to begin to do the work that, the commissioners, have supported around our conviction integrity unit.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:And that is a unit, that has the support of the commissioners, and most certainly is work that is truly being, embraced across this country for anyone Mhmm. Who has a an outcry for, their case to be reevaluated. That one is, something that I'm excited to get to do the work, on, that there are already cases that are under review and that there are so many though so many cases in our community where folks, have outcries of innocence, and no one has taken the time to do the work, the investigations that it will take, to truly uncover whether or not, they had their fair day in court. And so, those are just two I could probably Mhmm. Name countless others for.
Kenneth Wilson [:How do you how do you think we could do a better job not not only in Franklin County, but I I think, in the country in general in attracting more individuals of color, more, more women, more diverse individuals into the field of law, public sector law, civil rights law
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Yeah.
Kenneth Wilson [:Laws protecting individuals against all the isms Yep. And, laws protecting those individuals that are developmentally different. All of these things. How can we attract Yeah. More people into law that way? I mean, do we get them all to read a a civil rights law? If I think if you read Thurgood Marshall's book, Showdown Mhmm. I think that it it should it'll light a fire, and and somebody considering law to to think about civil rights law and how important the work of of Thurgood Marshall and others were during the civil rights, but the bravery they had to exhibit.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Yeah. I'm so grateful for this question. I really am. You know, here's the thing. It is very hard to be what you have never seen before. And when I think about, what a traditional prosecutor looks like, it doesn't look like me. The reality is that 2% less than 2% of elected prosecutors across this country are black women. And the numbers are they're just as mind blowing when we think about attorneys in general.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:So there's so much work to be done in this area, but that's why representation absolutely matters. The reality is that if you care about criminal justice reform, then you have to know that everyone plays a role in dismantling the system. And that means that if you are a person of color, most certainly an African American in this country, that you are not relegated to only, being in positions that defend criminality, being defense attorneys, or being a judge perhaps. Right? That you have an opportunity to be in all aspects of criminal justice reform, whether that's being a legislator who helps to enact and change laws or if it's being even someone in law enforcement as a, police officer or EMS agent or even as a prosecutor. Right? Mhmm. We all have a role to play and to dismantle the systems that seek to oppress us. And so if I cannot be that for my community, then they can never see that it is possible for this to actually happen. Some would think about, some of those narratives that came about during vice president Harris's, campaign to be president in our country.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Some called her top cop and things like that. Mhmm. But not knowing the power that truly rests with being a prosecutor, not to just, change, one's lives. Right? But truly to change someone's life and to change the system in which it operates. And so that how is how we can begin to attract people into, a public service and certainly into, public service as it relates to the law itself. You gotta create an office where people actually want to come and work with. Mhmm. Right? The office should reflect the community that it serves.
Kenneth Wilson [:The organizational culture is everything.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Exactly. Exactly. And so that is what I'm working to build here at the Franklin County prosecutor's office. I gotta be the change that I want to see, and, hopefully, that will begin to change the narrative and attract people once again to this office.
Kenneth Wilson [:Because it's because it's it's because it's tough, when you think about private sector law firm. You think you're one of a you wanna say you you're fortunate enough. You you you graduate from law school. You pass the bar, and you feel like you're on a lot island in law firm Yeah. Because you don't have that peer circle. Yes. You just you know, you you had visions. You had you had an imagination of what you wanted to do.
Kenneth Wilson [:Particularly, think about if you went to a HBC, university and then you go on to, say, a Howard Law School. You were with your peers, learning the craft. And then you had to go to another territory, and try to figure you figure it out. Yep. Whether it's public sector or private sector, that is the that is the tough tough part for some people. You gotta get comfortable with, like you say, being alone early in our in this conversation. You gotta be alone for a while and and and and be hopeful that you got leadership that builds a organizational culture that will be inclusive and bring others in. Yep.
Kenneth Wilson [:And that's why we must fight so hard for inclusiveness and representation.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:That's right.
Kenneth Wilson [:And we can we cannot be deterred of finding a way to fight for that.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:That's right. Oh,
Kenneth Wilson [:because we cannot progress. We cannot, stand up against the ills in the in the in the wrongs of society, because, you know, you think back whatever. Everyone had an opinion back then. But, my fraternity brother, the late Johnny l Cochran, everyone knew who he was because he was one of the lead attorneys representing OJ Simpson. And everyone will forever remember the quote, if it don't fit, you must acquit. That's right. You know? And and people related to him and people it didn't matter what state you live in. I I know casually, I would hear people all, you better hire Johnny Cochran.
Kenneth Wilson [:Let's bring Johnny Cochran to town. But he was just one man. Mhmm. But a whole country, you know, people because we we are we're just in spots. That's why, prosecutor, we have to have aspirations to be in every aspect of American life.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Yep.
Kenneth Wilson [:And that that we're more than just one. That's right. Because we're two we're two ones here right now talking to each other right now in 2025.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Yep. Yep.
Kenneth Wilson [:You know? It's that's just, that's where we at.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:And we collectively are on the front lines fighting on behalf of close to 1,400,000 residents in this county. And here's the thing. We're not going to attract everybody, and that's okay. We don't need everybody. But in the current season that we're in, this very polarizing political environment, and the one question you hear over and over again, well, that I hear is what can we do. Right? And we are showing people what they can do. You can tap in and get involved in any way that your heart's desires. Right? And so if for you that is in the private sector, that's great.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:There's ways that you can support the work that we're doing every single day. Think about all of the contracts just today that this the county commissioners, solidified, to the fashion the the fashion alliance, to Stonewall, Columbus, so many different ways Yeah. That we are impacting residents every single day. That is how you can help. And for those where public services are calling, because I do believe public services are calling, we got a place for you here. Right? But that cannot happen if we don't do our individual roles and and and parts and most certainly, collectively working together to make a difference for those in our community. Representation matters.
Kenneth Wilson [:Representation matters. You you have to be, visible. There was a time in my career where I just wanted to try to fly under the radar as as much as I possibly could. But as time went on, I came to a realization that, if I'm in doing that, I'm not, doing a a a service fully to the people as a public servant that I don't, amplify and use my voice Yeah. And and and and use, the influence that I'm blessed to have to talk to young people to tell them that you can do the same thing. It won't happen overnight, but it it'll happen for you probably a lot quicker than it happened for me if you have the discipline, the drive, and the passion to help people.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Right. And, you know, there's a saying that the young folks say now, mister Wilson, because I'm not young anymore. They say, you know, this person walked so the next could run, and that's what we're doing every single day. And when you think about it, our ancestors were walking so that you and I could run, and now the next generation will take up the baton from where we leave it and go even further. Our generations in the in the African American community should not be starting over every single generation. There should be this evolution that continues to take the the mission and the story that much further than where we left it. But what we're seeing now is this intentional effort to roll back many of those civil rights that those before us fought for, and we cannot drop the baton. This moment demands that we do everything to make sure that it truly doesn't fall.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Are there attacks happening to make sure that it does? Yeah. Absolutely. But we got to we have to stand 10 toes down to make sure that the baton doesn't drop. The worst thing that could have ever happened was for folks to go get under this impression that the fight had been won, that the battle was over, that racism and all the is isms were gone. They were not. Right? They were absolutely not. And so it is our job to revive this fight, this movement again, and to get folks up out of whatever sleep they might be in and prepare them for this battle that lies ahead.
Kenneth Wilson [:Yeah. Nope. You can't get so comfortable in life that you lose, the sense of the importance of civic engagement.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:That's right.
Kenneth Wilson [:Civic engagement, is is not an option because at any time, a group of people become comfortable with their current circumstances, that I'm taking care of me and all my needs. Therefore, I don't need to engage in the in the in the struggle. And and that's that's where we, had that sense of starting over again. Because there's talk about inclusion, put quite frankly, is about opening the door to the library. And we haven't, even in 2025, got the door all the way open. We're constantly trying to get the door all the way open because what does the library offer? Books, opportunities, digital content, and with knowledge comes your power
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:That's right.
Kenneth Wilson [:To do and be what you wanna what what you wanna be. Because once you get those things in your hand, the system can't take it away if you operate in in a you know, with integrity and you don't become complacent. But the name of Game for Progress is to keep the door open as long as possible. Because there are there are systems that say we need the library to close at six instead of eight because that's two fast hours that someone's in there learning. And, I had people talk about the power of the newspaper, which newspaper is not what it was, but the newspaper was, college for working class people at one point in time. So many people gain knowledge about where to invest their money, where to they actually better their circumstances by the content they picked up in the newspaper each day. Yeah. They were able to read it.
Kenneth Wilson [:What do you do for enjoyment to to, you know we talk about this whole this thing called work life balance.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Yeah. Whatever that is.
Kenneth Wilson [:Yeah. I know. I know. I'm done. This was a this was a setup question. I know.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:So, you know, I'm gonna be honest. I keep it real with your with your listeners. I'm not the best at it at all. I really am an introvert. I find moments of quiet respite at home by myself. I enjoy my own company. That is a way that I I find myself able to truly restore. You know, the thing about being a public servant, like, a real public servant is that you give all of yourself to this job.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:You are often depleted. There has not been one week, I think this is week seven for me, where I have not left the week, completely depleted, so much so that I'm I'm dealing with bronchitis. I'm on the the tail end of bronchitis now. So if you hear the cough, that's where it's from. But with that being said, you have to find ways to fill the cup back up. And so for me, just being alone helps me to be able to do that. I also, love spending time with my husband. We have two dogs, Arizona and Hudson, and so we take care of them and try to get them out and about.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:And we love to travel.
Kenneth Wilson [:What type of dogs are Arizonans? For the podcast? We need to know what type of dogs
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:they are. You'll you'll love this, mister Wilson. So Hudson is 13, 14 years old, something along those lines. He was a gift to my husband when I graduated from law school. He was the gift for putting up with me, I should say, throughout that entire journey. The name Hudson comes from, Corey being a New Yorker. And then Arizona and and we adopted him from the Franklin County dog shelter.
Kenneth Wilson [:Okay.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:That's why we don't know completely what he is, but we believe he is a lab and a ridgeback mix.
Kenneth Wilson [:But we know he's sophisticated. With a name like Hudson's, he Hudson, he has to be a sophisticated pooch. He's not your average dog that goes by the name of Hudson. Hudson is name alone. Come here, Hudson.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Yes. It's
Kenneth Wilson [:Hudson know he doesn't Very distinguished. Yes. Very distinguished.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:It
Kenneth Wilson [:was a big deal with a department store chain, from from that state up north, and Hudson was a a big department store chain Ah. For many, many years. Yes. Yes. Very fine clothing.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Yes. I love that. Store Hudson. I love that. I love that. Arizona.
Kenneth Wilson [:By Arizona.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Yes. She is a two year old, eighty five pound Rhodesian Ridgeback that we got on vacation. I told you we like to travel. And so, we get one guest where we got her from.
Kenneth Wilson [:Where you at? Arizona. Arizona.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:The state of Arizona.
Kenneth Wilson [:Arizona. Arizona came from Arizona.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Yes. She did. Yes. She did. You show me one other person
Kenneth Wilson [:to go. Be days where Arizona be like, what happened to me? It was a hundred and two degrees, the place I left, and now it's 10.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:You know what? That and Hudson, who is well established and has been rolling solo dolo for his entire life, and now you got this puppy that comes and just wrecks everything. But they're great dogs. They're they're great dogs. They keep us.
Kenneth Wilson [:Yes. Hudson gotta show Arizona the ropes of hide. Got
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:it. Problem is that she, she, you know, tramples him in size now. So Yeah.
Kenneth Wilson [:Arizona. That's what travel and bring a pet back. That's
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:I would not suggest that for folks, but, yes, I did pick up a dog on vacation and didn't know that you I didn't even know if you could take a dog back to the resort, but I sure did take this cute little puppy back to the resort.
Kenneth Wilson [:Yes. There is an abundance of chihuahuas in the Greater Phoenix area. Fast fact. Okay. And there's, was an in I don't know if this program is still in place, but they were literally, exporting chihuahuas from from, Arizona, Phoenix area to Wisconsin, where there was not as many Chihuahua. So, yeah.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Look at that.
Kenneth Wilson [:Just a talk of the county tidbit.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Not even gonna ask why you'd know that information.
Kenneth Wilson [:It's because one of our agencies is animal care and control. Yeah. They do. And, we had the University of Wisconsin doing some, research for us and work with us. So So I learned that. Yeah. Yeah. The the diversity of county government, that's a podcast in and of itself.
Kenneth Wilson [:Cool. So the aim of of Talk of the County is to break down county government into chunks and talk about different aspects of
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:it. Yeah. Yeah. That's a that's a little known unknown fact.
Kenneth Wilson [:So I'm you know, I I I could have a conversation with you about all the different, functions of your office in in ensuring law order in contracts and procurement. And then I have to pivot, and I'm having a conversation with the county auditor about, suicide prevention rates, overdose prevention, the number of autopsies that are occurring, the number of things that so it is a lot of diversity in Franklin County government. And when people talk about what counties do, I say what counties don't do, I think, is a better question because you really have to think hard about what we we don't operate a county hospital, here in Franklin County, and we don't have a fire department. Mhmm. And those are two areas where we don't necessarily, touch. But we do we we do, operate a emergency management agency and homeland security, which touch with emergency response.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:So Yeah.
Kenneth Wilson [:There is that relationship. We are have a seat at the table there. So Yeah. It's not a place where we don't touch. So what came out of that question was you do love to travel. So that is a that's a divergent in and of itself. Do you you and, and your spouse prefer the beach or mountains if you choose between it?
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Oh, desert.
Kenneth Wilson [:Desert.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Okay. I I am a desert girl, so, you know, anywhere out west is much appreciated. But we when before COVID, we would take one year on, one year off, so like a restoration type of vacation and then an adventurous vacation. Because some adventurous vacations can be a little bit more stressful, can they act can actually distort it. So we like to do both.
Kenneth Wilson [:What's the best city in the desert in The United States?
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Oh. Oh, well, so okay. So Vegas will probably, show up, you know, kinda loud and proud in that conversation. But if you got outside of the strip of Vegas Mhmm. You would see truly how beautiful, that area is. And, I just love seeing the the mountains and the the terrain. There if we had more time, I'd
Kenneth Wilson [:go into it. From Vegas to the California state line. Yeah. And it was the weirdest experience because you started to see those mirages that you drive. You get there.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. But I I, you know, I love, the California as well. Perfect weather. I, you know, on days like today where it's, like, nine degrees outside Mhmm.
Kenneth Wilson [:You know,
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:I question my choice of, really digging in deep and, to Ohio.
Kenneth Wilson [:I'm glad you know there is a lot of work to be done here, so you can just go to the desert
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:on your
Kenneth Wilson [:spare time.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:It's a choice, man. It's rough today.
Kenneth Wilson [:Escape escape to the desert. But it's rough it's rough today.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:It is rough.
Kenneth Wilson [:At least it's the sun is out now. Ohioans, we have to know that, you know, sun is a blessing even if it's 10 degrees because we have so many days that are gray.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:That is true. That is true.
Kenneth Wilson [:Are just gray.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Be grateful for my blessings. And,
Kenneth Wilson [:you know, when when when the season turns short and then you go to work and it's dark and you come home and it's dark, you know, that's a real thing.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:You know, we're and the tide is turning, sir. You know, the the day is getting just a little bit longer. So we're seeing we have that little vitamin d coming in.
Kenneth Wilson [:What fun fact would you would you like to share with talk of the county listeners about prosecutor Shayla Favor that would surprise many?
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:You know, I, I have already shared, with the community at large that, I have an affinity for cooking. I went to before I went to law school, I went to culinary school. But I also have a love for, anything connected to fashion. My mother was big into fashion. My sister works for Dress for Success, which is a nonprofit organization in our community that helps to provide, clothing for every, every aspect of the woman and those who identify as women regardless of what your career level might be. She also volunteers her time with Columbus Fashion Week. And so just naturally, the two of us are are are into expressing ourselves in that way.
Kenneth Wilson [:Two follow-up questions. What is your favorite dish of many, be it that you have culinary skills with a z? Mhmm. And are there days or multiple days during the course of the year where prosecutor Favor changes her outfit at least twice?
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Oh, yes. Okay. So, because it's cold, let's do something warm. I, oh, I I dug into this chicken tortilla soup not too long ago from scratch. I really built those flavors up. The profile, was so dynamic. I had, some family in from California text me a few weeks after his departure needing that, that recipe, and I just I just let the ancestors guide me as I was cooking it. I'm working on perfecting a soup that I had, two weeks ago.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:It's a Tuscan, kale sausage soup. I I took one shot at it last week. I don't love the angle that it went down, so we're gonna tap back in and try again. Okay? And that's a lesson for folks. When when you don't succeed the first time, try again, get back in.
Kenneth Wilson [:Test kitchen. That's what test our test kits Right. It was built.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:And my my husband and my nephews who also live with us, are are very appreciative of my ability to keep trying over and over again. And then, do I change my outfit, more than once? Of course. Especially when it's Columbus Fashion Week. I am I have to change multiple times, in a week oh, excuse me, in a day just to be prepared for the events that are out there to support our dynamic nonprofit organizations. So,
Kenneth Wilson [:over under, shoes. Oh, how
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:many do I have?
Kenneth Wilson [:Between 5,200. Oh. What we are in that range?
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Under. Because I'm rough on shoes. I'm very, very rough on shoes, and I yeah. Yes. I wanna change that, though.
Kenneth Wilson [:You you still don't that discourages you from buying them, and that means how long they stay in the rotation
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:before they get to the And I had a cobbler, and, unfortunately, my cobbler fell ill. So I'm really in dire straits right now. I could get there, but I need a I need a new cobbler.
Kenneth Wilson [:Are you a handbag person?
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Yes, sir.
Kenneth Wilson [:We normally we normally I don't I don't we don't endorse brands here, but the listener's gonna wanna know. What are your what are your two favorite handbag brands? Oh,
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:okay. So, aspirational, Fendi, mainly because, well, they're just a dynamic brand all across the board, and it starts with a f, my last name. Right. But, like, day to day, old school coach, great bag, awesome leather. They are durable bags. They have a new fashion designer. Okay. Talk of the county.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:I'm actually really crazy. Yes. They and these are sustainable bags, for the everyday, person going to work.
Kenneth Wilson [:Mhmm. Yeah. And you don't get more when you think about American classic luxury, you think of coach.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:That's right. That's right.
Kenneth Wilson [:You just you just that's just an automatic. Yeah. Yeah. It's like, classic American luxury car. People think of, you know, Cadillac or Lincoln or So coaches coaches in that space They are in that space. Other aspirational brands. Mhmm. We're gonna and we won't get into we won't if everything else you've said, I know fragrances also has to go with this.
Kenneth Wilson [:Fragrance has to go with
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:this. Sir. It does. It does. It does. My favorite? Your favorite. There is, there's one by, Baccarat Rouge. It's called Baccarat Rouge, that is, a little popular, right now.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:And then there's another one that it's escaping my mind right now. It's a pink bottle. That doesn't help your viewers, but, I mean, I am into fragrance.
Kenneth Wilson [:You say that you were a native of Dayton,
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Ohio. 9 3 7.
Kenneth Wilson [:What, what do you remember most about Dayton and that you that you carried it with you and you have fond memories? Before Buc ee's. There's no there's a Buc ee's in the Greater Dayton.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:I'm so glad you asked me this question because it's really the, it's the reason why I have had I have demonstrated such a passion for housing. One of the the fondest memories for me is my grandmother's home. She lived off of one of the main streets in Dayton called, Salem Avenue. She lived in a historic, community, much like, what the New York side might look like in Columbus. Big old homes that they just don't make like that anymore. And unfortunately, when my grandmother passed, we lost that home. My grandmother had nine children, my my mother being one of the youngest ones, and that would be the gathering place for all holiday, events. And when she passed, I was too young at the time, but we were unable to keep that family home.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:And when I think about the disinvestment of this historic community, when I think about those opportunities that were not presented to people that looked like my grandmother and others and that we didn't have the capital, the resources, and the wherewithal Mhmm. That there wasn't a will in place Mhmm. That to this day, homeownership is the number one way in which people generate wealth. And my family, much like others and across this country, were locked out of that opportunity. And so, you know, I I whether people knew or did not know, that is one of the reasons why I was so passionate and continue to be passionate about addressing housing insecurity and all those things that are connected to it. That homeownership can continue to be a way for us to break those generational curses, for communities and cities and the government to reconcile the intentional efforts that were made to make sure that certain communities did not get access to capital, that, highways like the one that is right before us was cut across, not just, not across communities that, were affluent or that were white adjacent, but disconnected communities of color and ravaged them. Right? This is the story
Kenneth Wilson [:of our country. Role as railroad tracks.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Exactly. This is the true story of our communities across this country. I have a map in my office right now, which is a redlining map of Columbus. And if you took that map and put it right now as a heat map against all of the different issues that we talk about, housing insecurity, homelessness, infant and maternal mortality, it would almost look exactly the same.
Kenneth Wilson [:Life expectancy
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:is different
Kenneth Wilson [:from exit to exit in many communities.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Exactly. So when I think about Dayton, I think about those good times, but I also think about how it was truly the first lesson, if you will, that demonstrated to me in real time, what these laws and policies truly, the type of impact that they can have on families.
Kenneth Wilson [:That's a big part of your story. That's a big part of America's story about, generational wealth that could have been that was lost by the matriarch of the family home being lost, for a variety of reasons. You know? Sometimes for predatory reasons. Grandmother and grandfather took out, a home equity loan that no one knew about or some shady, proposal. You know you need to replace that roof. Right? And they're and they got charged three, four times what they should have, and and it got so far out that the family wasn't able to save it. And that's literally that's wealth
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Yep.
Kenneth Wilson [:Loss. And, for people of modest means, homeownership still to this day is the greatest source of any hope for any type of net worth whatsoever.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Yes.
Kenneth Wilson [:Yes. Or everybody's every family balance sheet is all liabilities Yep. And no assets.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Exactly. Because you know what happens? When you own your home, you can take that equity out of your home, and you can make sure that you're not taking out other loans to take out, in case you have a a medical emergency. You don't have to take out a loan or go into debt. You go take it making sure that your child can go to to college or whatever those endeavors might be. That is how wealth continues to accumulate and can be passed on. And so I'm on a mission to educate and empower, the members of of our communities, to know just how powerful this tool, should and could be for them.
Kenneth Wilson [:It's yeah. It is, you know, really and the toll is not just financial. I remember, the show Soul Food. Mhmm. Many people life was, was like that to a point where every Sunday, they will have a dinner at the same place at big mama's house or grand grandma, whatever you're gonna call that, that that person in your life. And then once, you know, that person passed away, they they still have those emotional and and and mental attachments that are severed.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:That's right.
Kenneth Wilson [:And and that too cannot be underestimated. And one of the challenges, particularly in the space that you're dedicated to work in, prosecutor Favor, is the the impact of toxic, stress from current and past negative life experiences. I didn't know. I had guess, I had really sunk in. Doctor Kim Braswell, who's, speaks every Thursday on the Equity Now Coalition call, was talking about, negative life experiences and trauma being passed along in the DNA of African American men from generation to generation. That struck me like, wow. That's deep. Mhmm.
Kenneth Wilson [:And when you think about it, it's, yes, it's true. I mean, it's hard to break cycles when you when you just have this just it's like almost wired. It's like it's built in. Yeah. You know, this morning's general session, we talked about the put the guns down Mhmm. Program and working with individuals to get them to change their way of life and be afforded an opportunity to do something positive that they're able to, eliminate these negative social determinant of health factors.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Exactly. And here's the thing. Excuse me. You cannot, expect for, what has been ingrained in individuals, not on by their own right, to just be remedied, without actually taking accountability. We are talking about, if we're if we're gonna stay here on housing, state sanctioned policies that got us here, policies that were enacted by government, funded by government. And to not expect that government would be involved in the remedy and the solution to address those factors that come from all of those things, is insane to me. Right? And so, you know, the way to counteract that, is to make sure that we are we're doing good government every single day. Here at the county, over the last seven weeks, I have seen for myself the types of investments that are being made, to ensure that we are counteracting many of those state sanctioned policies that help to create one of the most segregated communities in the country.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:And that's just a fact. Right? But it's not gonna just happen, if number one, we are not true. We are not we are not being accurate about, the history of not only this country, but also this community, this county. Right? And that we don't have good folks in place that are, dedicated to, changing those policies and making sure that we are righting those wrongs. And so, it is an honor to serve alongside people like you, our county commissioners, and other county electeds across this community that are just as dedicated to doing that work.
Kenneth Wilson [:Okay. What's your favorite sports team? Or do you like sports at all?
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Well, okay. I did say I led with my husband as a New Yorker. So my talking points are the New York Knicks, and we're taking it all the way this year, period.
Kenneth Wilson [:They're better. They they made they made some right. They made some good moves.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Yes. Yes. They did make some good moves.
Kenneth Wilson [:They made
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:some good moves? Yes. Yes. Period.
Kenneth Wilson [:So I'm a see you at, at Madison Square Garden sitting next to Spike Lee.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Hey. One day.
Kenneth Wilson [:Playoffs or something.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:One day.
Kenneth Wilson [:Sitting there next to Spike.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Yes. One day. Team Favor's working hard to make that a reality.
Kenneth Wilson [:I know mister Corey Favor is a big dicks pair. I've seen him on social media all decked out
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Yes.
Kenneth Wilson [:And his orange and and and blue Knicks gear. So
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:And it don't matter how good. We are not fair weather fans. We're gonna dig deep regardless of of what it looks like.
Kenneth Wilson [:Madison Square Garden is a a iconic place. I mean, it is it is one of those arenas that just just just has so much history.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Yeah.
Kenneth Wilson [:And all the great all the great players seem to have some of their best games too Yeah. In Madison Square Garden.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Yeah. Now I will be remiss Some
Kenneth Wilson [:of the Indiana the Indiana Pacers came, and then Reggie Miller just lost his mind in some of them, yeah, times.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Yeah. I would be remissed, though, if I also didn't shout out the Philadelphia Eagles. I used to live in Pennsylvania. So we're gonna we're gonna do that.
Kenneth Wilson [:Yeah. I was I was going for the Eagles, been all the way from the
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:playoffs. Okay.
Kenneth Wilson [:And, for for so many reasons, I I just think the way that Jalen Hurts as a quarterback represents himself Yeah. Currently
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Yeah.
Kenneth Wilson [:And the trials and tribulations that he went through as a young man Yeah. To be on this stage right now
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Yeah.
Kenneth Wilson [:And how humble he is Yeah. Considering all he got. Yeah. Because a lot of times when you've when you've overcome great adversity and you've had to be resilient, when you come to the other side, it's you had this urge to wanna be arrogant about it because you're like, I didn't been there. So, so, I'm not gonna be as concerned about going back. And I believe internally instinctively, if I had to, I'd do it all over again.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Yeah.
Kenneth Wilson [:And other things that about him is our whole conversation about representation Mhmm. And inclusiveness. Mhmm. One of your source, a member of Delta Sigma Theta was is his attorney that, negotiated his record breaking contract. Yeah. And I also understand that his his support team around him, his professional support team, are all women, I believe. Yeah. And and the way he looks out for his family, he's just he's just a he's just a solid he's just a solid Agreed.
Kenneth Wilson [:Solid guy at
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Agreed.
Kenneth Wilson [:You know, we we have to elevate and give each other credit. Yeah. When someone is different, then the world wanna paint us.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:That's right. I'm gonna also toss in all women's sports. We're about to enter women's history month, and women's, sports has definitely made its way into the hearts and homes of folks all across this country. And so any opportunity I can to elevate that, I'll do that too.
Kenneth Wilson [:We're gonna set it off in 2027. The women's final four is right here in Columbus again.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:That's what we said.
Kenneth Wilson [:And the last one we hosted could not have been could not have been better. I mean, it was like a Hollywood script as you you remember. So, I I hope I hope hopefully, I'm in I'm in the house
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:We do so. For sure.
Kenneth Wilson [:I mean, who would have thunk? You know, we the, you know, the late Kobe Bryant came when his daughter who you know, we all know the story there, what happened to them tragically, but his daughter was, very much, on her way, as a women's basketball player. So, yes, and, the Columbus Fury, we have it. The season is underway right now. Professional women's volleyball. Yes. A lot of great athletes that are part of the Columbus Fury. So, yes, we we in Franklin County, through our contributions to the sports commission, we invest in women's sports, probably on par with in with with anyone to that effect. So I'm glad you mentioned that as well.
Kenneth Wilson [:So what's on your playlist? Yeah. Or Are you are you r and b? Are you gospel? Or you it depends on your mood. What's what's what's on prosecutor's playlist?
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:You know, it it depends on the day. Now, I did play an instrument in high school. So, you know, I I consider myself to have some type
Kenneth Wilson [:of A musician. Yeah. All you had to do was play for a certain period of time, and you're a musician. Of course.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:I'll take it. I'll take it. But my my my catalog ranges from old school. I'm from Dayton. So, you know, that means that I grew up with the Roger Trautmans and all that. Zap all of that. Lakeside.
Kenneth Wilson [:Band all that.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Exactly. That's the foundation of much of the music that is being sampled today. Okay? That's a fact. So I love all of that, but I also love Are you
Kenneth Wilson [:looking to computer love back in the day?
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Should I have been? Probably not. Probably not. But, yes, I was. I was. My my mother went to school with most of them, so I it's yeah.
Kenneth Wilson [:But, anyway. Roger Trapp.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Yeah. Yes.
Kenneth Wilson [:Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:But, you know, I love restorative music. So anything that ministers to the spirit, I listen to gospel, things of that nature.
Kenneth Wilson [:You need gospel. It's a kind of a prostitute in your life sometimes.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:You do.
Kenneth Wilson [:Yeah. You need some gospel.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:I do. I do. When I'm working, here, I like to listen to, like like, a chill station or, music with no words. So, like, a meditation spa. Mhmm. Just it's like thinking music, if you will. I like Afrobeats. I I like a little bit of everything.
Kenneth Wilson [:Yeah. Yeah. Nope. But, yes, you just being a musician, you just a fan of musician in general. And I
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:gotta say Beyonce too. Like, anything.
Kenneth Wilson [:Yeah. Like like everybody. It's like automatic right now. Yeah. Like everything. She won a country Grammy. So, you know, there's no there's no stopping her. Yes.
Kenneth Wilson [:Cowboy Carter.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Cowboy Carter.
Kenneth Wilson [:I
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:don't think I'll be at the Cowboy Carter concert, though.
Kenneth Wilson [:Yeah. You don't want no you don't want a nice cowboy boots?
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:No. I absolutely
Kenneth Wilson [:do. You in very expensive cowboy boots
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:I can see that.
Kenneth Wilson [:And a hat to match.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Agreed, sir. Agreed.
Kenneth Wilson [:I think I want some boots, though. This is my excuse to get me some boots. I'd go to I need to go to Texas. That time in Texas, give me a night there.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:I but I've heard it's bit of a challenge to get a ticket these days.
Kenneth Wilson [:Yes. Yeah. But you could it can be figured out.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Where there's a will, there's
Kenneth Wilson [:a will. Know from my experience, this can be figured out. I might not be in attendance, but I know from experience that people figure out how to get to Beyonce concerts.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:That's true. That's true.
Kenneth Wilson [:That's true. Figure it out, prosecutor. No.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Sir, you know we have a concert coming up here, next month, actually. It's, Mary j Blige.
Kenneth Wilson [:I will be there.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:I will be there too. Look at the county.
Kenneth Wilson [:I will be there.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Attracting great artists. I will be there. Yeah. That will be a great show.
Kenneth Wilson [:Yeah. It should be a great show. Mhmm. This has been we haven't been as I mean, I think we've been entertaining, but we talked about a lot of serious topics rightfully so. And, from day one, as my team would, would tell you, I said that, the goal of Talk of the County was to inform, enlighten, and entertain people and try to get some people to listen and hear what's happening in the county because we have some pretty dynamic, cool, everyday people doing amazing things every day.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:That's right.
Kenneth Wilson [:You're not ordinary. You're dynamic, and you have been elected to represent 1,400,000 people and growing. But it was important for me to, get the opportunity to talk to you about the office, and its goals. And and, there is a a special pressure with being the first Mhmm. Of anything. You know, with, you know, with the privilege and the blessing, one carries a obligation to, do something, unique, during that period of time. And as we wrap up, what do you say to the residents that is your, North Star as it relates to this position at this point in your life. Not asking you not gonna ask you what you're gonna see yourself doing ten years from now and then like that because it's probably something.
Kenneth Wilson [:Yeah. But I'm just gonna say at this moment in time, what do you see as your north star?
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:Yeah. You know, I am absolutely committed to doing the job that the residents elected me to do. When I think about, what it means to be the first, it is a privilege and a responsibility that I do not take lightly. That means that I hold myself to a level that might not be healthy, but it is demonstrative of the moment that we are in, this country. It demands someone who is filled with faith, that is courageous, that is willing to, at times, stand alone, to say the hard thing. And I think about, what my ancestors had to go through in order for me to be the fifty second, prosecuting attorney in this county. It's two hundred and twenty two year history. And I think about the women, who have dedicated their lives to make sure that I could sit here before you today.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:If I don't have the ability to stand with courage to demonstrate a strong work ethic, then I don't deserve to be here. And so the residents should know that, oftentimes, the first in the office and the last to leave, not to make a point, but because the work is too great, to take any moment lightly. And it is imperative for me that I am not simply just the first, but that I make a way for there to be a second, third, fourth, and hundredth after me. And so that means I gotta do this job very well. Right?
Kenneth Wilson [:Yep. You all heard it, folks. She's definitely not just savoring in the moment. No. She is all about grinding and putting in the work, in in in setting the county, apart from all others as it relates to the functions of the office of the county prosecutor. So I think that our 1,400,000 people are are not gonna be disappointed, when they look at the results, that you will, return in this particular office. So, anything else you would like to share, before we wrap up?
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:You know, I, I used to say this all the time as a legislator. You should always be leery of anybody who says they have all the answers. Right? That's not the person definitely, certainly not the leader that you want. And I don't have all the answers, but I, will always work to find an answer and build coalitions that can help, provide those answers for our community. And so this is an invitation to our, listening audience and to our stakeholders to tap in right now. Get involved in any way that you can. Become engaged. If you have an idea that you would like to see, to let us know.
unty Prosecutor Shayla Favor [:And I would ask humbly, for us to be collectively committed to making, Franklin County, a community, that achieves those goals.
Kenneth Wilson [:Thank you. That was all about justice and opportunity for every resident every day and what you said there. So I I thank you, madam prosecutor, for agreeing to to join me for a talk of the county podcast when you have so many things to do, in the office. So I know your time is precious. So I I I do appreciate you affording me the opportunity. And, I'm I'm really happy to have you a member of team Franklin County, because I I know we are we are we we are the best, in my eyes, and this is what we this is what we do. We lay it all on the on leave it all on the field for every resident every day as well. So that concludes this episode of Talk of the County.
Kenneth Wilson [:And the way I always end it, if you know, you know. Do you because nobody else has time to do that.